Senior Accountant

‭Meet Rebecca Shida‬

‭Rebecca was born and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and moved to Florida while‬ pursuing higher education. Rebecca holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a‬ Bachelor of Arts in Global Business from The University of South Florida. Currently, she‬ is studying for her CPA license and planning to continue her education to obtain an‬ MBA.‬

Rebecca has a passion for helping her clients through excellent communication and‬ attention to detail. This allows her to not only keep the financial information up to date‬ but also add value to her client's business through her responsiveness. Rebecca‬ believes that meticulous attention to detail will help her clients be most successful.‬

‭When not in the office Rebecca enjoys traveling, painting, and reading. She is often‬ found spending time with her friends, family, and pets.


  • Bachelor of Science in Accounting
  • Bachelor of Arts in Global Business

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